Actress Renu Desai who is also Pawan Kalyan’s ex-wife remains actively involved in social media. And in recent times, she had refuted some comments from the fans of Pawan Kalyan. This time, she responded and expressed her pain rather frustratingly.
A Pawan Kalyan fan commented on Renu’s Instagram, “Madam this is too much. Please show our Akira at least once. We have anticipation to see our Anna’s (Pawan Kalyan) son. Please don’t hide him. Release a video of him at least once in a while… It’s a vague translation of an online citizen’s Telugu post.
Renu was clearly triggered by this post, and she replied, “Mee anna(Pawan Kalyan) Koduku??? Akira Naa Abbayi. Meeru oka talli ki Putta leda? I keep ignoring most of your messages. I understand that you’re his hardcore fans, but you guys are just so insensitive beyond belief.”
While we can understand that the post of the Pawan Kalyan fan was perhaps in anticipation. However, his post clearly made Renu angry as she claimed Akira is her son and hit back at Netizen with full force. One can understand that her comment has a degree of feminine touch, as it is triggered because Akira is only called as Pawan’s son.
Furthermore, It is clear that the response of Renu was only to a post, but a result of frustration that is built upon the continuous messages of fans. The effect in Renu’s post clearly proves the same.
“I keep ignoring and deleting and blocking these kind of comments but today on my son’s birthday it just hurt me to read this insensitive comment” said Renu Desai on her Instagram.