Mani Sharma, the senior and renowned music director of the Telugu film industry, is currently working on Bedurulanka 2012, the upcoming film of young hero Kartikeya Gummadikonda. Recently, he participated in a promotional interview for the film. Mani Sharma stated that the new trend of releasing one song at a time in Tollywood is wrong.
He explained the disadvantages of releasing one song at a time, instead of releasing an entire album of a film at once. He mentioned that by releasing songs as singles, those songs are losing their importance and value. Mani Sharma stated that the songs will have more impact if they are released as a single album. Because one song will be liked by the audiences at first hearing, while some songs will take more number of listening to get the impression.
Bedurulanka 2012 is Kartikeya Gummadi Konda’s most anticipated movie since RX 100 which will be released in theaters on August 25th. Neha Shetty of ‘DJ Tillu’ fame plays the heroine in the film. Directed by debutante Clax, the film is produced by Ravindra Benerjee Muppaneni.
Made as a comedy drama with a different backdrop, Bedurulanka 2012 also features Ajay Ghosh, Raj Kumar Basireddy, Goparaju Ramana, ‘Auto’ Ram Prasad, LB Sriram, and others in important roles. The film’s album has lyrics penned by Sirivennela Seetharama Shastry, Kittu Vissapragada, and Krishna Chaitanya. Production Design has been done by Sudheer Macharla.