The upcoming Marvel film Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness has set the box office on fire way before its release. The action-adventure film is now on its way to a record opening at the theatres on its release in India tomorrow.
The English version advance bookings have fetched Rs 17.4 (5469 shows) crores while the Hindi version has collected Rs 6.2 (4269 shows crores and Telugu version has collected Rs 0. 57 lakhs (346 shows). Overall, including the other versions, the advance bookings have fetched around Rs 25 crores in India.
There is great hype around this Benedict Cumberbatch starrer. It would be among the top 5 Hollywood openers of all time in India, right alongside films like Avengers: End Game, Spiderman: No Way Home, and Avengers: Infinity War.
Overall, it is being estimated that the film has sold around 6.5 lakhs tickets in India alone and this number is expected to shoot up in the coming hours. Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness is a sequel to Dr. Strange that was released back in 2016. The first version was a massive blockbuster and fetched great critical acclaim and is termed by many as one of the best Marvel movies.