Telugu Movie Natyam is streaming now on Amazon Prime. Natyam is a movie that revolves around classical dance. Starring Sandhya Raju and Kamal Kamaraju as leads, this movie is about a classical dancer discovering her crux.
Sandhya Raju, the female lead is a classic dancer in real life. The movie is based on the true incidents happened in her life. It is all about her successes and failures, the bumps she faced along the way. The story is set in a fictional village where a young girl Sitara (Sandhya Raju) dreams of performing Kadambari story. Her guru Aditya Menon is against it because of some superstitious beliefs.
Meanwhile she falls in love with a fusion dancer from the city. She has to leave her village under some extreme circumstances and what happens next is the story. The movie didn’t fare well at box office. Although, actors gave their best, the director lost his way in between and never returned back to the core story. It goes down the road right from interval.
If you want to just chill and relax watching a drama, then this can be a good film to watch this weekend. It is available on Amazon Prime.