Bollywood latest sensation The Kashmir Files created huge buzz all over the country. Released as a small film, the film went on to become a blockbuster with positive WOM. This is not an ordinary glamorous flick from bollywood that attracted audience. It is the content driven film that talked much about and created curiosity among people. Started with very less number of theatres, with the demand the number of screens drastically increased. But many people missed the film in theatres as it is released on in Hindi.
Now good news for those who want to watch the movie in regional language. In fact the movie is promoted as the untold story based on the facts about kashmiri pandits. This raised the curiosity among audience and everyone would like to know the subject through cinema. The content based or as it is told the facts based film is going to release in Telugu on OTT. The kashmir files along with Hindi, it will release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada in zee5. Vivek Agnihotri directorial casts Anupam Kher, Mithun Chakravarthy, Pallavi Joshi, Darshan kumar and others.