DJ Tillu released in theatres on February 12, 2022 opened with positive word of mouth. Siddhu Jonnalagadda has received good reviews for his performance. His characterisation is the main asset of the film and received well by the audience. Neha Shetty shined as Radhika in the film. Vimal Krishna did well in his directorial debut. S Thaman scored the background music while the music is composed by Sricharan Pakala and Ram Miriyala. Naga Vamsi produces this flick under Sithara Entertainments. As we mentioned in our previous article DJ Tillu is streaming on OTT platform well before expected.
Aha acquired the OTT rights of DJ Tillu and is streaming from today. Dj Tillu is a youthful entertainer where the hero will entertain from the word go. The convo scenes between Sidhu and Neha Shetty will be loved by audience. Neha looks beautiful in her role. Brahmaji and Prince did well in their roles. Overall you can enjoy this time pass comedy flick DJ Tillu on Aha from today.