The teaser for Razakar movie, a period drama about events in Nizam’s Hyderabad before it acceded to the Indian Union in 1948, has been released recently. The teaser has sparked an intense political battle on social media among the politicians. The teaser of the film, which is believed to be based on true stories, depicts atrocities allegedly committed by Razakars against Hindus in their pursuit of spreading Islam and establishing ‘Turkistan’.
Telangana Minister K T Rama Rao (KTR) did not like the teaser and felt it could raise the tension among the public. “Some intellectually bankrupt jokers of the BJP are doing their best to instigate communal violence and polarisation for their political propaganda in Telangana. We will take up the matter with the censor board and also the Telangana police to ensure that the law & order situation of Telangana is not affected,” he posted on X, formerly Twitter.
On Tuesday, Raja Singh, the suspended MLA of Goshamahal constituency, reacted to the tweet of Telangana IT and Industries Minister K T Rama Rao who had decided to bring up the Razakar movie issue with the censor board.
“Why the rush, KTR Ji, to ban the “#Razakar” film? I propose that we both watch the movie first and then decide whether to proceed with the ban or let the public learn about the atrocities committed by the Razakars against Hindus. It’s important for people to have access to the facts.” Read Raja Singh’s tweet.