Tiger Nageswara Rao, the pan India debut of Raviteja has grabbed a lot of attention with the first glimpse and I recently released teaser of the film worked wonders for the film. Everyone was awestruck by the quality and scale of the film. Now it has helped the film gain good hype in the trade and Raviteja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao is doing massive business.
If we take only the Telugu states business, it is expected to be done more than 30Cr and worldwide Telugu version’s business will be close to 40Cr. The teaser has worked so well for the film and the buyers are truly interested in buying this film. The Andhra [6 Territories] region has been bought for 15Cr ratio.
The teaser was fresh and featured stunning visuals along with mass elements. Overall, the quality was extraordinary. The teaser has created a huge amount of anticipation for the film. The dialogues about the title character were so well written, and the BGM was also excellent and finally, the Mass Maharaja Raviteja looked terrific as a notorious thief.
The electrifying teaser showcased the Mighty Tiger (Ravi Teja) as he dominates the realm of terror in Stuartpuram, a city known far and wide as the crime capital of South India. The teaser also featured Anupam Kher as an intelligence officer and Murali Sharma as an assistant superintendent of police, who are on a mission to catch Tiger Nageswara Rao.
The story of Tiger Nageswara Rao, written by Vamsee, is based on real events and set in the evocative backdrop of the 1970s. Along with Raviteja, Anupam Kher and Murali Sharma, Nupur Sanon as well as Gayathri Bhardwaj will also be seen essaying crucial roles in the film.