Raviteja and Chiranjeevi joined the screen for Waltair Veeraiah’s 2022 Sankranti, which rattled the box office. Now, the megastar is preparing for Sankranti 2025 with his film Viswambhara. Ravi Teja has struggled to find success since Waltair Veeraiah. Now, he is preparing to release his 75th film for the approaching Sankranti.
This holiday season is a key period for blockbuster releases, and the 2025 slate is already jam-packed with celebrity-watch films. Megastar Chiranjeevi Vishwambhara is directed by Mallidi Vashishtha of Bimbisara fame. Venkatesh and Anil Ravipudi’s untitled film, Balakrishna and Bobby’s film, and Ajit Kumar’s Good Bad Ugly are slated to compete for the Sankranti release date.
The history of numerous high-quality releases continues during the Solstice Festival, which promises to be both thrilling and competitive.
In Sankranti, the same problem occurred, forcing numerous films to compromise and move their release dates. Raviteja Eagle also had to withdraw from the 2024 Sankranti marathon. So, once again, to avoid a needless confrontation at the box office, Ravi Teja’s upcoming film wishes to withdraw from the 2025 Sankranti race. With Raviteja’s departure, three huge stars will compete at the box office for Sankranti.
Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna share sankranti sentiments; hence, their films may not change release dates, but Venkatesh’s film may. With such a congested schedule, it’s unclear how many of these high-budget films will make it to the festival.