Director Ramesh Verma became the latest Tollywood celebrity to test Covid positive. The director, who’s gearing up for the release of his upcoming Ravi Teja starrer Khiladi took to Twitter to announce this development.
” Hello everyone, I have tested positive for #Covid19 and quarantined myself as a part of a safeguard measure. Please wear the mask and try not to go out unnecessarily! Stay safe guys, love you all,” Tweeted the director.
Verma has placed himself in-home quarantine and is taking all necessary medical precautions. Additionally, he has requested all those who have been around him for the past few days to get tested. Khiladi’s filming is now halted and will resume once the situation improves.
Ravi Teja will be seen in a dual role in this action thriller. The movie is produced jointly by Satyanarayana Koneru and Ramesh Varma under the banner of A Studios LLP. It stars Dimple Hayathi, Arjun Sarja and Meenakshi Chaudhary in key roles.