Tollywood Actor Ravi Teja has been hospitalised recently. The Actor who was busy shooting for his upcoming film, RT75 sustained a muscle tear in his right hand. Despite the injury he continued acting and unfortunately this led to further damage to the injury. The Actor was taken to a hospital and was given a six weeks bed rest. This whole incident has come to light now.
Yesterday, the Actor underwent a successful surgery at Yashoda Hospitals where he was prescribed a six week bed rest to ensure a complete recovery from the injury. The Actor will obviously put on hold the shooting and concentrate on the recovery treatment. This is a concerning news for the fans and audience. But let’s hope that he recovers fast and starts filming for his upcoming film.
Ravi Teja recently suffered a big blow at the box office recently in the form of Mr. Bachchan. The film became a big disaster on the opening day itself. The film received a negative talk and headed towards box office failure. It was brutally trolled on social media platforms as well for its poor content and making. And now with this injury, Ravi Teja is going through a bad phase.