Hero Naga Shaurya’s latest film, Rangabali has been released this Friday and the film opened to a poor response from the audiences and critics as well. Because of such a weak talk, the film’s box office performance got affected, and the film could not even get minimal collections on the first day, and it did not get improved on the 1st weekend and the film became a big disaster at the box office.
After a below par opening day at the box office, the film maintained the collections at the same level on the weekend as well. There was no much growth in the film’s collections and the last week’s release, Samajavaragamana trended better than this newly released film.
Rangabali has collected around 2.7 Crores share worldwide in its 1st weekend and the trade circles are expecting the film to close under 4 Crores, which makes it an out right disaster at the box office.
Rangabali team screened premiers in limited shows in both the Telugu states before the release day to get positive talk and the decision backfired as the movie got below par reviews from the audiences. The 1st half of the film was passable with Satya’s comedy, but the 2nd half had disappointed everyone in a big way. The sentiment in the flashback did not work whatsoever for the film.
Apart from Naga Shaurya, Rangabali stars Yukti Thareja as the female lead, while Shine Tom Chacko appears as the antagonist after Nani’s Dasara. Satya played the hero’s friend character while Sarath Kumar also present in the film. The film’s Music director is Pawan CH and the cinematographer is Divakar Mani. Directed by Pawan Basamsetti, Rangabali produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri of SLV Cinemas.