HomeMovie NewsRanbir Kapoor as Rama, Sai Pallavi as Sita, and Yash as Ravana...

Ranbir Kapoor as Rama, Sai Pallavi as Sita, and Yash as Ravana in Ramayana

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After the release of the teaser of his highly anticipated film, ‘Animal’, Ranbir Kapoor is making headlines with another intriguing news. The actor appears to be upbeat, as he is expected to begin shooting his next film, the first in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana franchise, soon after the release of Animal. Sai Pallavi, the leading lady in the film, is expected to start shooting early next year with Ranbir. From July onwards, Yash is expected to join the shoot, according to reports.

Nitesh Tiwari and his team have been working hard to create the world of Ramayana, and everything is now ready. The VFX works will be done by DNEG, which won an Oscar, and the team is said to be very confident that the film will build a world that would captivate audiences. However, it should be noted that the Ramayana’s strength lies not in the visuals, but in its honest depiction of events and heartfelt characters and emotions.

Around February 2024, Ranbir and Sai Pallavi will begin shooting the film as per the reports. The first part of the trilogy will focus more on Lord Ram and Sita, and will end sequences that led to Sita Haran. From February until August 2024, it is said that the duo will be involved in the shooting of the film Ramayana: Part One.

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Coming to the character of Ravana, Yash will an extended appearance in Ramayana: Part One, and his role will be the focal point in the second part, which takes place in Sri Lanka. As per the source, he has been given 15 days to shoot Ramayana: Part One.

The film will have Ranbir Kapoor playing Lord Rama and Sai Pallavi playing Sita Maa. Yash will play the role of Ravana. The look tests for the film have been completed by the three actors, according to reports. Madhu Mantena will be the producer of the trilogy, while Nitesh Tiwari will be the director.

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