Tollywood Actor, Rana Daggubati has come up recently with a talk show, The Rana Daggubati Show which dives deep into the life stories of few celebrities. The show will also start streaming on Amazon Prime Video from November 23rd. Now, Rana while talking about the show has made some shocking comments about the Box office numbers and their display on the posters of films.
Rana said that the box office numbers that are announced and displayed on the posters are not true and they are done only for time pass. These comments have gone viral now on social media platforms. No one knows the intention of Rana behind these comments. But these will surely hurt the fans of certain Actors who keep boasting about these numbers.
Rana’s comments also seem funny as stardom often is calculated considering these numbers. He needs to clarify how they mean nothing when the current films and film Industries are also going after displaying these numbers proudly. But one can understand that he made these comments to come out of embarrassment since he does no such feats through his films. If Box office numbers are not cared, why charging heavy remunerations and making big budgeted films? Surely, this is a silly statement from his side.