Ever since Jai Hanuman’s announcement earlier this year, there have been multiple reports about the casting. Several names were considered for the titular role before it was revealed that Kannada star Rishab Shetty would be playing the role of Lord Hanuman. Names of Superstar Mahesh Babu, Rana, and others were rumoured for key roles in the film.
Director Prasanth Varma has now hinted that Rana will feature in a key role in the film. He posted a picture on X, along with Rishab Shetty and Rana. This has created quite some excitement among the fans who are now curious to see what role Rana will be playing in the movie.
There is massive anticipation regarding Jai Hanuman in the pan-Indian market. The franchise, which combines mythological elements with the superhero genre, has resonated strongly with audiences, and Jai Hanuman is expected to elevate the series even further.
After the revelation of Rishab Shetty as Hanuman, fans are eager to catch who will play Sri Ram’s role in this pan-India sequel. There will be further character revelations in the coming days and Sri Ram’s character is mostly up for reveal next.