Last month, Anil Sunkara announced an OTT platform tentatively titled AKOriginals. The first AK Original is going to be a web series Shadow and the story is based on a novel with the same title penned by Mr. Madhu Babu.
The pre-production work has already started and as a part of finalizing the cast, the team approached Rana Daggupati and Allari Naresh for the key roles in this series. The latest reports say that both the actors agreed to be a part of it. This might hit the floor by the end of this year.
However, Allari Naresh is playing a lead role in Bangaru Bullodu bankrolled by AK Entertainments Banner. He is also working for another project titled Nandhi. On the other hand, Rana is busy with Virata Parvam and his forest-based project Aranya has already completed its post-production works and waiting for theatrical release.