Varun Tej’s latest movie, Gandeevadhari Arjuna was opened to a terrible response from the audiences and critics as well. Even before the release, the film had failed to generate the required buzz around it, which resulted in bad openings and the talk was even worse, so the film went on to become the biggest disaster in Varun Tej’s career. The film has many reasons for its failure, but the wrong advice given by Ram Charan to Varun Tej is one of them.
Before the release of Gandeevadhari Arjuna, during the promotional interviews, Varun Tej said that Ram charan had advised him to do different concept films without any restrictions or box office calculations. He said that he always listens to his brother’s advice.
But this can be said as wrong advice for a hero because the market always depends on calculations and any hero should understand this and make films according to the people’s taste. They should not miss the elements what people love to watch in the films. Many big directors and heroes said before that a hero should not see in the angle of their liking, but they always should think about what people will like, and they need to do the same.
Ghani and now Gandeevadhari Arjuna both the last two films of Varun Tej are not only failures, but they have had a big impact on Varun Tej’s market. If his next movie also faces the same result, then he is in the danger of losing the market as a Hero.