Tollywood Actor Ram Charan and Director Shankar’s Game Changer has been announced as a Sankranthi release on 10th January next year. Now, Game Changer is set to be hit by Tamil Actor Ajith’s Good Bad Ugly which will also be arriving on the same date. Both films are set to clash at the box office.
The news of Good Bad Ugly arriving for the Sankranthi has also been informed to the distributors as per sources now. The film shoot is almost completed with just a 2 week portion left. Post Production works are also in full swing mode. Fans and Audience have been eagerly waiting for the release of Good Bad Ugly since long time. And this will be a great release time for the film.
On the other hand, Game Changer was also expected to have a good opening and run in Tamil Nadu with the presence of Director Shankar. But this may take a beating now with the arrival of Good Bad Ugly. Shankar who last encountered a big disaster in the form of Indian 2 has hoped of coming back big with Game Changer in Tamil Nadu. But these hopes will now get damaged.
Game Changer may not get enough amount of screen count because of Good Bad Ugly. Also, Vikram’s film, Veera Dheera Sooran is speculated to arrive for Sankranthi. So, these two films would become the first preference for the Tamil Audience over Game Changer.