Ram Charan and Upasana celebrated their first Ganesh Chaturthi with their daughter Klin Kaara. The RRR star shared beautiful family pictures on his Instagram account, which also featured megastar Chiranjeevi. Ram Charan exhibited a glimpse of the Ganesh idol and the decorations at their residence from the festival. The standout was a life-size charcoal drawing of Lord Hanuman at their home.
Klin Kaara Konidela, the Mega Granddaughter, entered the KONIDELA House after spending 3 months with her maternal grandparents Shobana & Anil Kamineni. Megastar Chiranjeevi shared the pics along with wishing everyone a Happy Vinayaka Chavithi.
The 3-month-old adorable Klin Kaara received a warm spiritual welcome from her father, Ramcharan Konidela, and grandparents, Surekha & Chiranjeevi Konidela. Young Veda Pandit students from Chinna Jeeyar Swamy Varu Ashram added an ethereal touch by chanting sacred mantras as Lord Ganesh and Klin Kaara entered the KONIDELA House on this special occasion.
Sharing the pictures, Ram Charan wrote in the caption, “Happy Vinayaka Chaturthi to all! With the blessings of Lord Vigneshwara, I pray that all the problems will be removed from our lives and good luck will come to everyone!” He added, “Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to ALL ! Celebrating the First Festival with the little ‘klin Kaara’ this year.”
Chiranjeevi was seen gazing lovingly at Klin Kaara in one of the pictures. Upasana and Ram Charan were observed performing the rituals, and Klin Kaara was present in Upasana’s arms.