This year’s Ram Charan’s birthday will be a triple treat for the Mega fans. Fans are eagerly waiting for the updates of his upcoming films, Game Changer and also the one with Buchi Babu Sana, currently titled #RC16. Their wait has come to an end as the respective film teams are about to announce some interesting updates about the films.
Much Delayed Game Changer’s song Jaragandi slated for release long ago will now release as his birthday gift for the fans. Game Changer’s shoot too happened recently at Vizag’s RK Beach. The team shot some important portions where both Ram Charan and Kiara Advani were present. The song is a massy one composed by S.S. Thaman. Apart from this, an update about RC16 is also expected. The Pooja ceremony of the upcoming film happened yesterday with all the important crew.
What is more interesting will be the much-awaited announcement of a film with Director Sukumar. This will be his second collaboration with Sukumar after the Blockbuster Rangasthalam. Fans are very much thrilled with this news and buzz is Sukumar may announce the film on Ram Charan’s Birthday. So this year, it will be a big triple treat for the fans.