Maverick Director Shankar and Ram Charan’s upcoming film, Game Changer is a much-awaited film for the fans and audiences. The film’s shooting has been happening for several days at a brisk pace. The team shot important portions at Vizag’s RK Beach recently. The lyrical song of the film, Jaragandi released recently as well. Now, the lead actor, Ram Charan has officially announced the Game Changer’s release date.
Ram Charan attended the ceremony of his Doctorate conferment at Vels University, Chennai. The University conferred a Doctorate upon Ram Charan for his services in films. He along with his wife and baby attended the event where he spoke about his upcoming film, Game Changer. He said the film was a political thriller and may release at the end of September or October this year. Charan also said the film would be released in 5 languages on a Pan India level.
Producer of the film, Dil Raju too assured the audience that the film would release this year at the same period. Director Shankar is also busy shooting his other film, Indian 2 which delayed the release of Game Changer. So fans should wait for another 5 or 6 months for Game Changer to release in the theatres.