Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor had given a pleasant surprise to the Adipurush team with his lovely gesture. This present generation Superstar Ranbir has purchased 10,000 tickets for the first day of the most awaited mythological drama Adipurush. The tickets which he purchased will be given to the underprivileged orphaned children also making them learn about the Epic Ramayan.
Now it’s rumored that RRR actor Ram Charan, whose upcoming film Game Changer is in the shooting phase, is about to join the cause. If the reports are to be believed, Charan is expected to buy 10,000 tickets and distribute them among underprivileged children as well as his ardent fans.
Earlier, producer of films like The Kashmir Files, Karthikeya 2, Abhishek Agarwal has also purchased more than 10000 tickets for a noble cause. The tickets which were bought by Agarwal will be given to the elderly in old-age homes and students in the government schools.
The overwhelming support from the entertainment industry is to strengthen the anticipation and excitement around Adipurush. This fantastic gesture of celebrities purchasing tickets for charitable purposes will definitely make the audiences interested to watching the movie on the big screen.
After successive failures like Saaho and Radhe Shyam, Prabhas fans are hoping that their favorite hero will give a roaring comeback with Adipurush. The film is all set to be released on June 16, 2023. Directed by Om Raut, Prabhas will be seen as Lord Ram. While Kriti Sanon appears as Janaki, with Sunny Singh playing Laxman,. Deva Dutta Nage as Lord Hanuman and Saif Ali Khan as Raavan.