Tollywood Actor Ram Charan has officially commenced his upcoming film with Buchi Babu Sana, fame of Uppena. The film’s opening ceremony took place with all the important cast and crew present. The film is also tentatively titled RC16. No one knows the exact genre of the film till now. But it is learned that this Ram Charan and Buchi Babu’s film might be a comedy based film.
Ram Charan while speaking in an interview shared this detail regarding the film. The interviewer asked him if there was any genre he was interested at and Ram Charan replied that he hadn’t done a comedy based film yet. He also said that the upcoming film with Buchi Babu will be on those lines. This has shocked everyone now as many felt that this film would be a rustic drama.
Going by Ram Charan’s words, this film would follow his earlier film Rangasthalam it seems. The film also concentrates mostly on comedy and has a village drama. It has been rumoured that RC16 will also be a sports related project. So we have to wait and see how the film turns out. On the other hand, Ram Charan has wrapped up his shoot part in his current film, Game Changer. The film is speculated to release this Christmas.