Mega Power Star Ram Charan took to social media to appreciate the efforts of his fans who have stepped up to serve the needy during the pandemic. The ‘Rangasthalam’ star himself has been at the centre of a number of relief efforts during this situation.
Earlier last month Ram Charan, along with Mega Star Chiranjeevi set up an oxygen bank across various districts in AP and Telangana. He said that he was moved by multiple similar initiatives by his fans.
“I have been closely watching the fans step up and strive hard to give back to society during the pandemic. From being the first to react to distress calls to taking various initiatives, you all did it with great devotion,” said Ram Charan.
He also shared a video alongside the statement showcasing various relief works being carried out by the Mega fans. The fans have been involved in various activities like arranging oxygen and medicines, providing groceries etc.