Ram Charan and Upasana welcomed their first baby after being married for 11 years on June 20. Upasana got admitted to Apollo Hospital on June 19, during the evening, and delivered the baby at midnight. Today, after four days, the new mother and her daughter were discharged from the hospital and both Ram Charan and Upasana were spotted together for the first time with their newborn baby and the couple spoke to the media.
Ram Charan and his wife Upasana held their baby in their arms as they walked out of the hospital. They covered the baby’s face. The couple was accompanied by the mother of the actor Surekha as they made their way to Chiranjeevi’s home. Charan also spoke to the media regarding the health of his baby and his wife Upasana.
The preparations to welcome the baby girl started on Saturday itself. The parents first purchased a handmade cradle for their newborn, made by survivors of human trafficking. RRR singer Kaala Bhairava also created a special and lovely tune to welcome Ram Charan’s little kid.
As soon as the official announcement of Mega Princess’ arrival was made, the hospital was filled with celebrations. The Mega family, including grandparents, Chiranjeevi and his wife, Allu Aravind and his wife, Allu Arjun, Varun Tej, sisters of Charan Sushmitha, Sreeja, Niharika Konidela and many others visited the hospital. The fans of mega family also were present in huge numbers who celebrated the arrival of newborn baby with crackers, Dhol, and also distributed freebies.