‘Super Star’ Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan: The Hunter has hit the big screens on Thursday to mixed-to-positive reviews from critics. Thanks to the good buzz it carried, the action drama has registered good occupancies in its first three days of theatrical run. Here the exact figures:
- Day 1 – 38 Crore
- Day 2 – 28 Crore
- Day 3 – 32 Crore
The numbers mentioned above are of gross within India (INR). Overall, Vettaiyan has grossed an impressive INR 98 crore at the Indian box office. Worldwide, the figure is estimated to be around INR 150 crore.
Considering the promising bookings today, T. J. Gnanawel‘s film is expected to get past the worldwide gross mark of INR 200 crore. This implies that Vettaiyan will recover 60% of its investment in its first weekend itself (breakeven: INR 325 crore).