Superstar Rajinikanth’s next film after Jailer is ‘Lal Salaam’ and the makers have finally announced the release that they will release the film for Pongal / Sankranthi 2024. The lead actors in the film are Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth. Lyca Productions, the production house, took to their official social media accounts to give an update on the release plans.
Although Rajinikanth is only making a cameo in the film, it is being marketed as a Rajinikanth film. Directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth, the Telugu dubbed version of ‘Lal Salaam’ is set to join the list of many films trying to capture the box office during the coming Sankranthi festive season.
It is said that after the stupendous success of Jailer, the role of Rajinikanth in Lal Salaam has been added more scenes but still, it be a cameo only.
In Telugu, many films are releasing for Sankranthi and in Tamil Siva Karthikeyan’s Ayalaan and Sundar C’s Aranmanai 4 are getting released as Pongal Special. So it is an excellent advantage for Lal Salaam in Tamil as there are no major films being released in competition