Superstar Rajinikanth has given a terrific comeback at the box office with his latest film, Jailer. Though the film had generated good buzz with its trailer and songs, .no one expected such a massive blockbuster from Rajini at this age. The film has not only performed well in Tamil Nadu, but it also gathered superb numbers in Telugu states, Kerala, Karnataka, and Overseas. Now Rajinikanth’s Jailer has smashed another record as it became the New Tamil industry hit.
With today’s collections, Jailer’s Tamil version has crossed the 450Cr gross mark, and it breaks the previous Tamil version’s industry hit gross which is around 440Cr. Now it is a new industry hit for Tamil version. For all languages, 2 Point 0 will remain as an industry hit as it had got huge numbers in the Hindi market.
Nelson Dilipkumar has written and directed Jailer, which is made as a full-fledged action entertainer with a pinch of humor. Along with Rajinikanth in the lead role, the cameos of Malayalam industry’s biggest Star Mohanlal, Kannada Chakravarthy, Shiva Rajkumar have been liked immensely by the audiences. Anirudh Ravichander’s electrifying background score was another plus point for the film.
Released on. August 10th, Jailer is produced by Sun Pictures on a massive budget. The film’s Cinematographer is Vijay Karthik Kannan and editing was done by R Nirmal.