Superstar Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer, has made his countless fans happy by achieving a bombastic success at the box office. Be it Tamil Nadu, Telugu states, Karnataka, Kerala and Overseas everywhere the film has been a massive success and brought excellent profits for the makers and the buyers. However, rather disappointing news has lately emerged about Jailer’s early OTT release.
The buzz is that the makers of the film, Jailer, had closed a 4 week deal with the famous OTT platform Netflix, and it is expected to stream online from 7th September. If the buzz is true, then definitely it is a bad move from the makers as their decision could kill the long run of the movie at the box office. At least after seeing the film’s response, they should have extended the deal of OTT release by another two weeks or so.
Meanwhile, Jailer has achieved a phenomenal success at the box office. Kollywood industry’s top 3 grossers, now consist of 2.0 followed by Ponniyin Selvan 1. Jailer is now heading towards breaking Ponniyin Selvan1 [around 500Cr] and will likely end up at the second spot after 2.0. For just the Tamil version, Jailer has created an all-time collections record in the first week.
If we consider the collections of all versions combined, it stands at Kollywood’s 2nd best week, behind 2.0. This action entertainer led by Rajinikanth has received a high amount of interest from the audiences thanks to its exciting trailer and roaring cameos of Mohanlal and Shiva Rajkumar.