Superstar Rajinikanth has made a roaring comeback with his latest film, Jailer. Post the debacle of his last project Annaatthe, the monstrous success of this action entertainer has given a massive boost to Superstar fans, with the film registering record collections in multiple centers. Jailer has crossed 500Cr worldwide, while it crosses another benchmark in Telugu states.
The film has crossed the 40Cr share mark in the Telugu states, and it is the second film of Rajinikanth to cross share and for overall Tamil dubbed films in Telugu states as well. Only 2 Point 0 and Jailer have crossed the 40Cr share mark in Telugu states in Tamil dubbed movies. The movie’s rights were bought for 13Cr, and it collected 40Cr, which share makes it a big jackpot for the buyers.
Directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar who has earlier directed projects like Vijay’s Beast and Siva Karthikeyan’s Doctor, this Rajini starrer had a good pre-release buzz among the audience thanks to its exciting trailer and a loaded star cast consisting of Mohanlal, Ramya Krishna, and Shiva Rajkumar.
Rajinikanth’s extraordinary screen presence and action episodes left a lasting impression on everyone. Nelson made a strong comeback after a failure like Beast, while Anirudh’s BGM was a major highlight of the movie.