Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer which was released on this Friday, has turned out to be a sensational blockbuster at the box office. The film has emerged as the go-to option for all the movie lovers and in the Telugu states also the film has performed very well. No one expected this kind of terrific result from Rajinikanth considering his recent films failures. The film has collected approx 230 Crores Gross worldwide for 3 days.
Here are the details of Jailer 3 days Area wise box office collections
- Tamil Nadu – 63 Cr
- Karnataka- 22 Cr
- Kerala – 16.7 Cr
- Telangana- 10.5 Cr
- Andhra Pradesh – 11 Cr
- ROI – 7 Cr
- Overseas – 100 Cr
- Worldwide- 230 Crore approx
Directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar who has earlier directed projects like Vijay’s Beast and Sivakarthikeyan’s Doctor, this Rajini starrer has received significant interest from the audience thanks to its exciting trailer and a loaded star cast consisting of Mohanlal, Ramya Krishna, and Shiva Rajkumar.
Rajinikanth’s extraordinary screen presence and action episodes left a lasting impression on everyone. Nelson made a strong comeback after a failure like Beast, while Anirudh’s BGM was a major highlight of the movie.