Rajinikanth’s industry hits remain unbeatable in Kollywood for 25 years. The Legendary Superstar Rajini has shown such monstrous domination at the Tamil Cinema’s box office. The last non-Rajinikanth industry hit was in 1996. The movie was none other than Shankar and Kamal Hassan’s film, Indian. Since then, Rajinikanth’s industry hits remain unbeatable in Kollywood.
Rajinikanth broke the records of Indian with Padayappa [Narasimha], and from that time, only Rajini could break his industry-hit records. With films like Chandramukhi, Shivaji, Robo, Kabali, and 2 Point 0, he himself has broken his own industry hit records.
His previous film, Jailer, came close to 2 Point 0 but missed due to weak performance in Hindi. After that, everyone thought, finally, Leo had the chance to break Rajinikanth’s records with the hype and craze around it, but even this might not cross Jailer, and 2 Point 0 will remain as the constant industry hit with Rajinikanth only for a few more months.
We will need to wait and see which hero from the Tamil film industry will break 2 Point 0 records or, once again, Rajini himself does that.