Superstar Rajinikanth will be next seen in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s action thriller. Coolie. The duo collaborating on this project has created massive buzz and fans are eagerly waiting for further updates post the title glimpse that was revealed some time ago.
After watching the glimpse many people felt that it seems similar to an LCU film. But the team has constantly denied it saying this is a standalone film and not a part of LCU. The audience still feels that it could be a part of LCU and Lokesh Kangaraj wants to surprise the audience.
Another reason for this belief is that Lokesh Kanagaraj made a short film a few days back showcasing the origins of LCU. Arjun Das, Kalidas Jayaram, Narain, and others were part of the short film. Now Lokesh is planning to release this soon. An official press meet is also expected next week. The release of this short film before Coolie’s arrival has heightened the rumours of Rajinikanth becoming a part of LCU.