As per the inside reports of Kollywood, Superstar Rajinikanth has taken a huge remuneration for his latest film, Jailer, which became a massive blockbuster at the box office. Reportedly remuneration of Rajinikanth for Jailer is around 200Cr which is a record amount, and it is also said that he is a shareholder in the film’s business.
Jailer has done miracles with both theatrical and non-theatrical business and fetched massive profits for producers. Jailer has become one of the highest profitable films ever in Indian cinema and Rajinikanth is said to have received around 200Cr remuneration for this film, which is a record remuneration ever.
Rajinikanth, the revered icon of the South Indian film industry, has a fan base that worships him as a God. The superstar, after a one and half-year gap, returned to the silver screen with the film Jailer, which features Mohanlal, Shiva Rajkumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Jackie Shroff, and other prominent actors in pivotal roles.
The film, Jailer, had raised expectations before the release with it’s well – cut trailer and songs, and it met the audience’s expectations on the content and became a massive blockbuster at the box office. Jailer emerged as the New Industry Hit for Tamil Cinema.