Rajinikanth plans a big surprise with his upcoming project. It is widely known that Superstar Rajinikanth is currently working on Jai Bhim Fame Gnanavel Raja’s project, Vettaiyan. After this, he has another film in the lineup for which he will collaborate with Lokesh Kanagaraj. Now, exciting news has emerged about his next movie.
The Kollywood Circles are abuzz about Rajini joining Mari Selvaraj for his upcoming project. The director is known for making films about Social inequality and caste discrimination. It is being reported that Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Thalaivar will start the movie with Pariyerum Perumal’s Director after finishing it. Rajinikanth plans a big surprise with his upcoming project.
After Mari Selvaraj’s project, Rajinikanth will likely collaborate with Nelson again. It is widely known that they both have worked recently for Jailer. Whether it will be a standalone project or a sequel for Jailer is yet to be understood. Rajinikanth doing continuous films is an appreciable thing.
Mari Selvaraj has established himself as an accomplished director just after completing three Tamil films in his career. Following Maamannan’s success, he is now prepared to collaborate with Superstar Rajinikanth on a movie.