Superstar Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer is having a dream run at the box office. Even on the weekdays, the film has registered house fulls in many areas and has surprised the trade circles with its sensational performance. Rajinikanth has created a new benchmark for Kollywood stars with Jailer now.
Jailer has joined the 400Cr club today. It is the 2nd Rajinikanth’s film to join this club after 2 Point 0, only 4 films have collected more than 400Cr gross until Kollywood now. What is more surprising is that out of the 4 movies, 2 belong to Rajini which is a sensational feat and the movie, Jailer is likely to end up as all time top 2 in its closing. So now the top 2 films of Kollywood belong to Rajinikanth only.
Here is the list of Kollywood’s 400cr Grossers.
- 1. 2 Point 0
- 2. Vikram
- 3. Ponniyin Selvan Part 1
- 4. Jailer
Even at the age of 72 years, Rajini is creating terrific box office records with his extraordinary screen presence and swag. He just needs a proper presentation of his stardom in a decent film, which he has proved once again with Jailer.