Rajasekhar is ready to take on villain roles, says his daughter Shivani. It is widely known that Dr. Rajasekhar plays a special cameo in Nithin’s with Extra Ordinary man Shivani Rajasekhar; the Ankusham star’s daughter interacted with the media today for her upcoming film, Kotabommali PS promotions, which will be released on the 24th.
“Dad’s special cameo in Extra Ordinary Man will be kickass. He is also open to characters. He is also ready to play the villain if he gets the roles he likes,” said Shivani.
Rajasekhar is one of the best actors and is known for angry roles. The aggressive quality of his acting makes him suitable for villain characters, and we need to see which director will explore his stamina as an actor in a negative role.
Meanwhile, Shivani Rajasekhar, the young actress, shared screen space with Srikanth, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Rahul Vijay, Murali Sharma, and others in ” Kota Bommali PS,” the political survival thriller. In an interview, she stated that the film is soulful and treats all characters wholesomely.
GA 2 Pictures has set aside November 24th to release ‘Kota Bommali PS’ in theaters spectacularly—Shivani Rajashekar stars in a performance-oriented role, with Bunny Vass and Vidya Koppineedi producing it.