SS Rajamouli’s RRR is continuing its rampage at the box office across the world. While it has already crossed $10 million at the US box office, domestically also it has grossed Rs 100 crores in multiple languages long back. This kind of box-office storm has stunned many and the film is sure to cross many milestones.
Coming to the Hindi version, the movie is continuing its stupendous run at the box office and collected an impressive Rs 13.5 crores on Wednesday. With this, the movie’s 6 day total has now reached Rs 121 crores so far in Hindi. This is a record first week (post-pandemic) for Hindi and this Rajamouli film is surely slated to achieve much more in the coming days.
The first weekend was a terrific one for Rajamouli’s RRR. However, what’s even more impressive is the way the film maintained a hold on the weekdays as well. Overseas, RRR (Telugu) is performing on par with Baahubali 2 (Telugu) and is expected to beat the latter.
The film is now winning accolades from world over and Jr NTR and Ram Charan’s performance along with Rajamouli’s vision are receiving rave reviews.