Media Barron and ETV Chairman, Ramoji Rao passed away recently. Newly formed Andhra Pradesh Government has organised a commemoration programme for the departed media head today at Vijayawada. Many celebrities and diginitaries attended the event. Tollywood Director, SS Rajamouli was one among them. The Director while speaking has requested both the State and Central governments in this event to fulfill his wish.
Rajamouli held a personal relation with Ramoji Rao as he worked in few ETV serials at his career’s beginning. He also had to shoot Baahubali in the famous Ramoji Film City at Hyderabad as well. With this rapport, Rajamouli has requested both State and Central Governments to consider the proposal of Ramoji Rao’s name for the prestigious Bharat Ratna Award.
Till now, only one Telugu person has been awarded with this. PV Narasimha Rao, the former PM was awarded with Bharat Ratna recently. So, this came as a surprise as no media head was proposed for the Award till now. Telugu Matinee Idol NTR who was the founder of TDP still didn’t get this honour. So, we have to see what happens in the future. Tollywood Actor, Pawan Kalyan too attended the event as the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.