The biggest director of Indian Cinema at present, SS Rajamouli has shocked the Telugu Film audience, netizens by tweeting in the support of Mem Famous, the recently released small film. The film was produced by Chai Bisket Films, who made a nice image by making good content films with small budgets. However, their promotional tactics and behavior on social media is causing them damage.
If we observe the last line of Rajamouli’s tweet, it is nothing but a counter to the trollers of Mem Famous movie. Firstly, it’s all started with Mahesh Babu’s tweet on Mem Famous even before the release of the movie. Mahesh’s fans and the other neutral audience felt that it was an obligation tweet as Chai Bisket films are very close to Mahesh Babu and they are even handling the social media accounts of him as well.
After the film got released, the trolls started getting bigger as many of the audience did not like the film and Mahesh Babu also got trolled for his tweet. Now S. S Rajamouli himself reacting on this shocked the netizens, and they feel this is also an obligation tweet.
Mem Famous, a youth-centric film, is directed by Sumanth Prabhas. The film had got good initial talk from its premieres. Chai Bisket films along with Lahari Films who earlier backed Writer Padmabhushan this year, have bankrolled this project. Mani Aegurla, Mourya Chowdary, and Siri Raasi played other key roles in this flick.