Rajamouli who is currently busy promoting his film, RRR has clarified about his upcoming film with Mahesh Babu. RRR is slated for release on 25 March. Rajamouli will start working on his upcoming film with Mahesh Babu which is also confirmed by the director. However there was a talk that that his film with Mahesh Babu will also be a mutlistarrer like RRR.
Rajamouli told that his film with Mahesh Babu will not be a multi starrer. He also told that this film will have only Mahesh Babu in the lead role. This film will also be written by Rajamouli’s father, V. Vijayendra Prasad who had written all of Rajamouli’s films. This film will also be made on a Pan-Indian Level with huge budget. Mahesh Babu is well known throughout the country so Rajamouli will plan big on this project too.
The details and the cast of this film are not yet known. But the film will mostly have an African Backdrop as once said by V. Vijayendra Prasad. Mahesh Babu is presently doing Sarkaru Vaari Paata slated for release on 12 May. Allu Arjun is currently doing Pushpa: The rule slated for release this year.