Tollywood Director SS Rajamouli and Actor Mahesh Babu have both collaborated for a film. Till now, pre-production works have been made and Mahesh Babu too prepared physically for the film by growing hair and beard. Now, the film is officially and tentatively titled SSMB29. This was even used as the title by netizens on social media platforms since long time. Now, DOP for the film has been finalised as well.
P.S. Vinod is coming on board as the DOP for the film. Rajamouli’s regular DOP Senthil Kumar has been omitted. This is really an interesting news of Rajamouli going with P.S. Vinod. The film’s story is also written by Rajamouli’s father V. Vijayendra Prasad. It is also learnt that an update about the film would be out in October mostly on Rajamouli’s birthday.
Fans and Audience suspect that it could be an official press meet which happens before Rajamouli’s film shoot. They have been waiting for this press meet to happen since long time. But we have to know if this press meet would be conducted or not. Some also say that the team might go ahead with direct shoot without a press meet. The shoot is expected to start from the early 2025 targetting 2028 for the release.