The much-awaited web series Family Man 2 directed by Raj and DK has found itself in rough waters after people expressed their dissent over the portrayal of Tamil rebels. As soon as the trailer released last week, netizens started trending #ShameonYouSamantha ‘#Familyman2_Against_Tamils’.
Twitter users criticized actress Samantha’s portrayal of Raji, a Tamil-speaking terrorist. Users have taken offense to a scene which talks of a coalition between ‘ISI and rebels’.
Adding to this MDMK MP Vaiko recently wrote a letter to I&B minister Prakash Javedkar seeking a ban on the web series. The MP said that the show portrayed Tamilians in a poor light and hurt Tamil sentiments.
Raj and DK have responded to the controversy and released a statement. They stated that certain assumptions and impressions have been made based on a couple of shots from the trailer. They added that a large part of the Family Man 2’s crew are Tamilians and that they respect the sentiments of all. The director duo requested people to watch the show first and then come to a conclusion.
Manoj Bajpai, Priyamani and Samantha star in key roles in this spy thriller set to release on June 4th. The 10 episode web series will stream on Amazon Prime Video