The Family Man 2 dropped in last week on Amazon Prime Video amidst rave reviews. The audience loved the comeback of Manoj Bajpai in the second season and have given a thumbs up to Samantha’s negative role. However, amidst all the positive words, this Raj and DK show has had its fair share of controversy.
First, it was the protest of Tamil groups where they claimed the content of the show was offensive to their sentiments. MDMK MP Vaiko even wrote to the central government demanding a ban on the show.
After this controversy, another issue erupted after the release. The netizens criticised toning down Samntha’s skin to play a Tamilian. They talked about how the show has confined itself to the existing beauty stereotypes. Now, the makers, popularly known as Raj and DK, have responded to why it was necessary for Samantha to look a certain way.
“It’s really the character. At the end of it, if we look down upon such things in the context of beauty by saying somebody is dark, somebody is fair, here she is a soldier. She is a warrior, a weapon, a person who is living under harsh, rough, and edgy circumstances. So, it’s like how she learnt to fight so convincingly, I don’t know if you have seen a female character fight so convincingly before, all credits to Samantha, the idea was to make her into that,” said Raj and DK.