Apart from grand visuals and a star-studded lineup in Kalki 2898 AD featuring Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, and Kamal Haasan, the other supporting characters such as Raia were also high points of the film. Raia character is played by a girl Keya Nair, an actress from Kerala but is shown as a little boy who plays a crucial role in the film. It’s Raia who brings Aswathama and saves Sumathi (Deepika Padukone).
Looking at the way Raia’s character was written, we can definitely expect a big surprise as Nag Ashwin, and a big twist is expected to come out from this character which may be revealed in the 2nd part of Kalki 2898 AD.
Nag Ashwin has already surprised and stunned us by revealing Prabhas as Karna in part 1. This revelation scene was a major highlight of the film. In part 2, many such surprises are expected and Raia’s character is expected to be the biggest surprise revealed in the sequel.
Kalki 2898 AD had a massive target to achieve but looking at the current performance it looks like the film is on its way to becoming a massive hit. The film has to gross a minimum of 800 crores worldwide to become a hit. If all goes well, Kalki 2898 AD may even touch the 1000 crore mark worldwide.