Legendary director K Raghavendra Rao has indirectly confirmed the debut of Pawan Kalyan’s son, Akira Nandan. However, by deleting the latest pic of himself with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s son Akira Nandan has made it a cause of debate on social media. Director K Raghavendra Rao had shared it online and then deleted it within minutes. Many are raising doubts about why KRR deleted this picture, when it was already been shared by a large section of netizens of the internet and a few people even took screenshots of it.
Recently, K Raghavendra Rao along with his son-in-law, Baahubali producer Shobhu Yarlagadda and legendary director SS Rajamouli went to Norway for the special screening of Baahubali-1 by Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. Renu Desai, who is the mother of Pawan’s son Akira Nandan, had also attended the special screening. Only a few people were aware that Akira attended the event as well.
Sharing a picture, where KRR posed with Shobhu’s son Karthikeya and Akira, the legendary director wrote a snippet, where he revealed that both Akira and Karthikeya have done film school in the United States of America. Surprisingly, the senior director has deleted the picture, triggering a debate about whether he felt he unnecessarily shared information about Akira’s film school or his film industry debut.
Anyway, Pawan’s fans are now aware of the fact that something special is ahead for them as Akira Nandan is preparing for hid film debut soon.