With Radhe Shyam nearing the end of its shoot, makers have decided to give fans a surprise in form of an update. The romantic drama recently resumed its filming post the pandemic break with Pooja Hegde joining the shoot after a long time. The makers are planning to release an update on the movie in the coming week.
Radhe Shyam makers are keeping their cards close to their chest and are in no mood for revealing anything except for the fact that the film will be a huge surprise for Prabhas’ fans.
Radhe Shyam is one of the most anticipated movies of the year. UV Creations, the makers of the film are leaving no stone unturned to ensure the best quality output. Recently it was reported that the makers and Prabhas were not happy with some portions of the film and had to reshoot it.
The romantic drama was set to hit the screens in July, but Covid second wave altered the plans and makers are looking for an October release.