Dhanush is one of India’s most sought-after actors, having mostly appeared in Tamil films. Raayan, his milestone 50th feature, was released on July 26, 2024, and it is his second directorial endeavor. Audiences and critics overwhelmingly responded to the film. The film became top-grossing Tamil films in 2024. The film is heading towards 150 Cr gross and it’s expected to be achieved in this week.
A significant update about this film’s digital streaming partner has been made public. Prime Video and Sun NXT has acquired the OTT rights for this film. Raayan movie will be available to stream on Sun NXT and Amazon Prime starting August 30th. The official announcement is likely to be issued soon.
Dhanush directs Raayan, an action-crime thriller starring himself and a talented ensemble cast including S.J. Suryah, Selvaraghavan, and others. The film depicts the story of Kathavaraayan Raayan, a fast-food hotel owner in North Chennai, who becomes involved in a gang battle and takes measures to protect his family. Rayaan received a positive theatrical response and is projected to do well on OTT as well.
Raayan movie will be available to stream on Sun NXT and Amazon Prime starting August 30th.