Dhanush’s Raayan has opened to fantastic numbers at the Box office. In Tamil Nadu, the film opened in the range of Rs11 Cr gross and registered as the 2nd biggest opener this year after Indian 2. Raayan 1st day has been extraordinary and the movie is now the career biggest opener for Dhanush.
Such has been the buzz for the film that in several mass stations across Tamil Nadu, the film opened better than Indian 2. In Telugu states also the film opened with good numbers collected in the range of 2.5 Cr gross. In Karnataka, the film registered an opening of around 2 Cr, while Kerala marked a Rs 1Cr opening day.
The all-India total gross including the Rest of India is in the range of 17 Cr while the overseas opening is estimated to be around 7 Cr. The total gross is around 24 Cr which is a solid Day 1 figure.
Directed by Dhanush himself, Raayan also stars SJ Suryah, Selvaraghavan, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Selva Raghavan, Prakash Raj, Aparna Balamurali, Kalidas Jayaram and Sundeep Kishan in key roles. The music for the film is composed by AR Rahman. Raayan is an action thriller backed by Sun Pictures and is slated to release in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.