Shares of PVR Inox hit a six-month high of Rs 1,687.10, on gaining 3 percent in Monday’s intraday trade after the company said it achieved the feat of the highest-ever admissions and box office in a single day across its circuit on August 13, 2023. The largest and highest exhibitor of cinema in India said it received ~1.28 million guests and earned gross revenue of Rs 39.5 crore.
PVR Inox has been quoted at its highest level since February 2023. At 10:15 AM, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.50 percent at 65,017.
The weekend of August 11th-13th, 2023 was the largest ever weekend in the company’s history. During the weekend, the company received 3.36 million guests at cinemas and generated gross box office revenue of over 100 crore rupees. This achievement was possible because of strong box office performance from stellar content of Indian Cinema.
The films released last week, including ‘Gadar 2’ (Hindi), ‘Jailer’ (Tamil) and ‘OMG 2’ (Hindi) have contributed to the growth of footfalls of PVR Inox with their successful content. Also, the films released in earlier weeks, like ‘Rocky Aur Rani ki Prem Kahani’ (Hindi) and Oppenheimer (English) have continued their steady performance.